Brew Guides

Dalgona Coffee Recipe

Dalgona coffee took the world by storm, becoming an instant viral hit during the early days of the pandemic. With its rich, creamy layer of whipped coffee sitting on top of cold or warm milk, this drink is as photogenic as it is delicious. But beyond its Instagram appeal, the charm of Dalgona coffee lies in its simplicity—you only need three ingredients, a bit of whisking, and a few minutes to enjoy this indulgent treat.

Inspired by a Korean candy known as dalgona (a honeycomb-like sugar candy), this frothy coffee sensation brings an irresistible sweetness and texture. Whether you’re craving a coffee shop experience at home or just want to try something new, Dalgona coffee is an easy, fun way to elevate your caffeine routine. In this recipe, we’ll walk you through how to whip up the perfect cup, with tips and variations to suit your taste.

1. Ingredients for Dalgona Coffee

One of the reasons Dalgona coffee became so popular is its simplicity. You don’t need any fancy equipment or hard-to-find ingredients to whip up this delightful drink. Just a few pantry staples, and you’re ready to go.

1. Instant Coffee
Instant coffee is the key to achieving that thick, whipped texture in Dalgona coffee. Unlike regular ground coffee, instant coffee dissolves quickly in hot water and creates the necessary foam when whipped. It’s the secret to getting that signature frothy layer. If you don’t have instant coffee, don’t worry—there are variations you can try, but instant coffee will always give the best result for this recipe.

2. Sugar
Sugar not only sweetens the coffee but also plays a vital role in stabilizing the foam. Granulated white sugar works best, but you can substitute it with brown sugar or even coconut sugar for a richer, more caramel-like flavor. Just be aware that different sugars may slightly alter the texture and taste of the foam.

3. Hot Water
Hot water helps dissolve both the coffee and sugar, making it easier to whip them into a frothy consistency. You don’t need much—just enough to mix the ingredients into a smooth paste before whisking.

4. Milk
Dalgona coffee is served over milk, and the choice is yours: you can use dairy milk or go for plant-based alternatives like almond, oat, or soy milk. Cold milk creates a refreshing contrast to the rich whipped coffee, but if you prefer something cozier, warm the milk for a comforting twist.

5. Optional Toppings
To add a little extra flair to your Dalgona coffee, consider sprinkling some cocoa powder, cinnamon, or even chocolate shavings on top. These additions give your coffee an extra layer of flavor and make it even more enjoyable.

With just these five simple ingredients, you’ll be ready to create the whipped coffee sensation at home. Whether you like it sweet, creamy, or with a bit of added flair, Dalgona coffee is easily customizable to your taste

2. Step-by-Step Instructions for Making Dalgona Coffee

Creating Dalgona coffee is as simple as it is satisfying. With just a few ingredients and some whisking, you can enjoy this frothy, café-worthy drink at home. Let’s walk through the steps to get it just right.

Step 1: Mix the Ingredients
In a medium-sized bowl, combine 2 tablespoons of instant coffee, 2 tablespoons of sugar, and 2 tablespoons of hot water. This equal ratio is key to creating the thick, whipped texture. Make sure the water is hot enough to dissolve the sugar and coffee quickly.

Step 2: Whisk Until Frothy
Now comes the fun part—whisking! Using a hand whisk, electric mixer, or even a frother, whip the mixture until it becomes thick and creamy. You’re aiming for a consistency similar to whipped cream, where the peaks are stiff and hold their shape. If you’re using a hand whisk, it may take 5 to 8 minutes of vigorous whisking. With an electric mixer, it’ll take just a couple of minutes. The color should lighten as you whip, turning from dark brown to a creamy, golden shade.

Step 3: Prepare the Milk
While you’re whisking, prepare your glass with milk. You can choose between hot or cold milk, depending on your preference. Fill the glass about three-quarters full with your choice of dairy milk or plant-based milk like almond or oat. Cold milk creates a refreshing contrast to the rich coffee foam, while warm milk offers a more comforting experience.

Step 4: Spoon the Whipped Coffee on Top
Once your coffee mixture is whipped to perfection, spoon it generously over the milk. The thick foam will sit beautifully on top, creating that iconic two-layered look that Dalgona coffee is known for.

Step 5: Stir and Enjoy
Although Dalgona coffee looks stunning as is, you’ll want to stir the whipped coffee into the milk before taking a sip. This ensures you get a balanced blend of creamy milk and rich, whipped coffee with every taste. Feel free to add some finishing touches like a sprinkle of cocoa powder or cinnamon for added flavor and flair.

And that’s it! In just a few simple steps, you’ve made Dalgona coffee—frothy, creamy, and ready to enjoy. Whether you prefer it chilled or warm, this drink is perfect for treating yourself at home.

3. Tips for Perfect Dalgona Coffee

Whipping up the perfect Dalgona coffee is easy, but there are a few tricks to ensure you get that rich, velvety foam every time. Here are some tips to help you nail it:

1. Use Instant Coffee for the Best Results
Dalgona coffee owes its signature frothiness to instant coffee. The freeze-drying process used in making instant coffee allows it to whip up easily when combined with sugar and hot water. If you try using ground coffee or brewed coffee, it won’t whip up the same way. Stick to instant coffee for that perfect, creamy texture.

2. Adjust Sweetness to Taste
The traditional recipe calls for equal parts coffee, sugar, and water, but you can adjust the sweetness depending on your preference. If you prefer a less sweet drink, you can reduce the amount of sugar, but keep in mind that the sugar also helps stabilize the foam. A little experimentation will help you find the right balance for your taste buds.

3. Use an Electric Mixer for Easier Whipping
While it’s possible to achieve that thick, frothy consistency by hand, using a hand whisk can be a bit of a workout. To save time and effort, an electric hand mixer will get the job done much faster, in just a couple of minutes. If you prefer to whisk by hand, make sure to use a medium-sized whisk and whisk in a circular motion to build up the foam efficiently.

4. Cold Milk for a Refreshing Twist
While warm milk creates a cozy, comforting version of Dalgona coffee, cold milk adds a refreshing contrast to the rich, whipped foam. If you want a lighter, more chilled experience, use cold milk and add a few ice cubes for an iced version of this treat.

5. Keep Whipping Until Peaks Form
One of the most common mistakes is stopping the whisking process too early. You want to keep whisking until you achieve stiff peaks that hold their shape. The coffee should become lighter in color and have a mousse-like texture. If the foam is still runny or doesn’t hold its form, keep whipping for a few more minutes.

6. Experiment with Flavors and Toppings
Dalgona coffee is versatile and can be customized to fit your preferences. Try adding a drop of vanilla extract or a sprinkle of cinnamon for extra flavor. You can also top your whipped coffee with cocoa powder, crushed cookies, or chocolate shavings to make it even more indulgent.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to making Dalgona coffee that not only looks incredible but tastes even better. Whether you prefer it sweet, cold, or with a creative twist, a few tweaks can help you master the art of whipping up this trendy coffee drink

4. Common Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Making Dalgona coffee seems simple, but there are a few common mistakes that can affect the final result. If you’ve ever struggled with flat foam or bitter coffee, don’t worry—here’s how to troubleshoot and fix these issues.

1. The Coffee Mixture Isn’t Whipping Up
One of the most frustrating issues is when the coffee mixture refuses to whip into that rich, fluffy texture. This often happens when you’re not using instant coffee. Instant coffee granules dissolve quickly and create a stable foam, while ground coffee or brewed coffee simply won’t work. To fix this, always use instant coffee—it’s the key ingredient that makes Dalgona coffee froth up.

2. Stopping the Whisking Too Soon
If your coffee foam is too runny or collapses quickly, it’s probably because you didn’t whisk it long enough. Whisking by hand can take up to 8-10 minutes, so patience is essential. Keep whisking until you get stiff peaks that hold their shape. If you’re using an electric mixer and still don’t get the right consistency, double-check your coffee-to-sugar ratio. Too little sugar can prevent the foam from stabilizing.

3. The Coffee is Too Bitter
Dalgona coffee can be quite strong and bitter, especially if you’re not used to the intensity of instant coffee. This bitterness is usually balanced out by the sweetness of the sugar and the creaminess of the milk, but if it’s still too harsh for your taste, try adding more sugar or adjusting the ratio of milk to coffee foam. You can also experiment with flavored syrups like vanilla or caramel to soften the bitterness.

4. The Foam Collapses After Serving
If your beautifully whipped foam deflates after you spoon it over the milk, it might be due to humidity or whisking inconsistencies. To avoid this, make sure your coffee, sugar, and water ratios are correct. Keep whisking until the foam is light and stable with stiff peaks. Also, serve the whipped coffee immediately after whisking—delaying too long can cause it to lose its structure.

5. Not Using the Right Coffee-to-Sugar Ratio
The equal ratio of instant coffee, sugar, and water is crucial for achieving that rich, whipped texture. If you reduce the sugar, you might end up with a thinner foam that doesn’t hold up. Stick to the 1:1:1 ratio for the best results, or slightly adjust the sugar if you’re trying to reduce sweetness, but not too much!

By avoiding these common pitfalls and using a few simple adjustments, you can ensure that your Dalgona coffee comes out perfect every time. Whether it’s tweaking the sweetness or making sure to whisk long enough, these fixes will help you enjoy the light, frothy coffee experience that’s become a favorite around the world.

5. Variations of Dalgona Coffee

One of the best things about Dalgona coffee is how easy it is to customize. Whether you’re looking to add more flavor or try something completely different, there are endless ways to put your own spin on this whipped coffee. Here are a few variations to explore.

1. Iced Dalgona Coffee
For a refreshing take on the classic recipe, switch out warm milk for cold milk and add a few ice cubes. The combination of frothy coffee foam and chilled milk creates a perfect pick-me-up on hot days. Simply whip your coffee mixture as usual, pour cold milk into a glass with ice, and spoon the whipped coffee on top.

2. Mocha Dalgona
If you’re a fan of both coffee and chocolate, this variation is for you. Add 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder to the coffee, sugar, and water mixture before whipping. This adds a rich, chocolatey flavor to your Dalgona coffee, creating a delicious blend of mocha goodness. Top with a sprinkle of cocoa or chocolate shavings for extra indulgence.

3. Matcha Dalgona
For a non-coffee twist, try making a matcha version of Dalgona. Swap out the instant coffee for matcha powder and use whipping cream or egg whites instead of water to achieve a similar whipped texture. Matcha Dalgona has a creamy, smooth finish and is perfect for those who love green tea. Serve it over your choice of milk for a calming, earthy alternative.

4. Dalgona Latte
For a creamier version of Dalgona coffee, increase the amount of milk for a Dalgona latte. Instead of using a glass with just a bit of milk, fill your cup almost entirely with warm or cold milk and stir the whipped coffee into the milk before drinking. This creates a smoother, more balanced drink, with the coffee blending more fully into the milk.

5. Flavored Dalgona Coffee
Experiment with different flavor syrups to add a personalized touch to your Dalgona coffee. Vanilla, caramel, hazelnut, or even cinnamon syrup can be added to the whipped mixture or drizzled on top of the foam for a layered flavor profile. This is a fun way to switch up the classic recipe without altering the texture or consistency of the foam.

These variations allow you to enjoy Dalgona coffee in new and creative ways, whether you’re looking for a caffeine kick, a chocolate treat, or a matcha moment. The beauty of this whipped coffee is its versatility—once you’ve mastered the basics, the possibilities are endless.


Dalgona coffee is more than just a viral trend—it’s a fun, simple way to enjoy a café-style drink from the comfort of your own home. With just a few basic ingredients and a bit of whisking, you can create a creamy, frothy coffee experience that’s as satisfying to make as it is to drink. Whether you prefer it iced, sweetened with chocolate, or even swapped for matcha, the beauty of Dalgona coffee lies in its versatility.

As you explore different variations and experiment with flavors, you’ll find that this whipped coffee can be adapted to suit your personal taste. So, grab your whisk and favorite milk, and enjoy the smooth, frothy delight of homemade Dalgona coffee.

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